True or False: Are patterns of our body, mind, and emotions hard to change on the ENERGETIC LEVEL?
MY Opinion: FALSE
Feel free to tell me your opinion, but here’s a story that I want to share with you. Not only may it change your belief, but by believing energetic shifts can be easy, you may find yourself effortlessly cultivating more ease into your life.
I had a session where the client had recently dealt with health issues that you could say are in part related to aging and more specifically the pattern of their hereditary aging. One of the gemstones coming up for the session was Moonstone.
Moonstone has an affinity for promoting youthfulness. It hones in on energetic patterns of aging and offers revitalization often through its lubricating quality but there is also the fact Moonstone does its work within the supraphysical aura. The supraphysical aura is the first layer of the energy field that is believed to be comprised of the energetic expression of our cells.
Moonstone simply called on their energetics at this profoundly deep level of cellular makeup to say, “No thank you.” And then proceed to STEP OUT OF THAT LINE OF ENERGY. It was an act of simply, “opting out.” It was so matter-of-fact and nonchalant it could have been the same thing as opting out of the long line at the grocery store and moving to self-check out.
When Moonstone zeroed in on the energetic information held with my client’s supra physical aura. One of the things it made me aware of was lines of energy that held the biological information in their family line, in this case specifically their maternal line and specifically the affected organ of this condition. The next thing I knew I was dumbfounded.
In my head I was thinking, It can’t be this simple. This is STUPIDLY simple. Surely our biological makeup isn’t simply changed by saying, NO THANK YOU, and moving on.
The thing is, even though my head was in a tailspin of “That’s it!” Something deep within myself and most importantly deep within for my client felt true, with a feeling of “and so it is.”
Now, I’m not in the business of creating liability for myself. I have never and will never claim that my work with energy is a cure-all. Will I claim this singular instance will physically change my client’s health condition? No, I will not. But I will not deny that this experience was a powerful one for them and for me.
I walk away with this: When you engage in practices that enable you to become acutely intuitively aware of yourself on the very foundational levels of energy and frequency (gemstones happen to be one of the greatest tools for this), before there is matter and substance, in that place change feels so effortless. It feels empowering, that when everything around you in the physical world seems hard there is a space inside yourself that can feel easy to shift to your desired reality.
I think getting into that space is where ease of living can be cultivated for you, for me, for all.