When Words Carry Energy: How to Hold Space for Truth in Difficult Situations
Want to know what’s really tough for me? Yes, I see the positive impacts of the work I do everyday. Yes, my clients sing my praises and I am so grateful. But nothing will make me feel more small and inadequate than when my clients come in faced with the real harshness of living in this world. I think there's nothing I can really do to make this better for them. The best I can hope for is a moment of peace within to face their hardship a little easier.
A Lesson in Energy and Intention
Want to know what’s tough for me? Yes, I see the positive impacts of the work I do every day. Yes, my clients sing my praises, and I am so grateful. But nothing makes me feel more small and inadequate than when my clients come in faced with the real harshness of living in this world. I think there's nothing I can really do to make this better for them. The best I can hope for is a moment of peace within to make facing their hardship a little easier.
So when one of my regular session plan member clients came in defeated and devastated by the absolute overwhelming, consuming cruel reality of their current life situation again I thought, I will not even remotely pretend, “Well you’re in the right place, I’ll have you feeling good as new at the end of this hour.” I can’t do that to people. I was apprehensive for the session to start. Where was this going to go? In what way can I genuinely help them? This is a zero spiritual platitude zone. What ended up coming out in that session is not what either of us expected.
I was made aware of this for my client’s sake: anytime we enter into a room, a situation, an event, a meeting, or an engagement, there is a container of energy established. Each person involved is participating in that container. Now here’s what you must know…
IN NO WAY is it ethical to psychically read or attempt to manipulate another person’s energy without their consent. But manipulating the container??? I guess that’s fair game.
Here’s the situation: My client was forced into regular engagements with two other parties, where one party repeatedly spewed out lies. And like my client had observed many times before, it seemed the third party, who is the person in power in this dynamic, was buying into and holding space for the lies. My client felt their truth and the actual truth was not being seen. My client feared that with this continuing it would gravely impact themself and others involved they deeply cared about.
Here’s what I was told intuitively:
It would be unethical to psychically attempt to manipulate the words coming out of the lying person’s mouth or to delve into their psyche to influence them to behave differently.
BUT because everytime someone speaks, the energy of their words hangs in the energetic container created by this social engagement for all parties to receive, I was told my client, like anyone else, has the power and influence to manipulate the perception of the words being said.
I said to my client, “YOU can hold the clear and strong intention that in these engagements the TRUTH will be clearly identified in its energy, as well as LIE energy will be clearly identified. Here’s the thing though, it's NOT about what MY CLIENT FEELS OR THINKS is the truth. It’s about upholding the actual real truth. The truth is the truth. It has a specific vibratory rate. It will not change because someone wills it to be truthful.
I asked my client to intuitively tune in. I had them say a true and false statement. And to observe through the lens of their intuition what truth energy looked like, felt like, sounded liked, even smelled like! When it comes to energy, we can perceive the information in nearly infinite ways.
My client said the truth looked like warm light and lies looked like a red harpoons.
Perfect! I said “then from now on, everytime you enter this social engagement, put out the strongest, clearest intention that the energetic signature of truthful and deceptive words/statements said, will be exaggerated to the point they feel obvious to all involved.”
The work we do is all about the individual and their journey to navigating the world physically, energetically, intuitively, and spiritually with greater ease, peace, and joy.
I feel this is the best way I can serve my wonderful clients, getting the most out of our work with a consistent schedule rewarded with exclusive savings!
“Everyone should try a session with Erin. Don’t worry about how it will help just make an appointment, Erin and the gems will do all the work! The impact will be life-changing!”
True or False: Are patterns of our body, mind, and emotions hard to change on the ENERGETIC LEVEL?
True or False: Are patterns of our body, mind, and emotions hard to change on the ENERGETIC LEVEL? MY Opinion: FALSE... Feel free to tell me your opinion, but here’s a story that I want to share with you. Not only may it change your belief, but by believing energetic shifts can be easy, you may find yourself effortlessly cultivating more ease into your life.
I had a session where the client had recently dealt with health issues that you could say are in part related to aging and more specifically the pattern of their hereditary aging. One of the gemstones coming up for the session was Moonstone.
MY Opinion: FALSE
Feel free to tell me your opinion, but here’s a story that I want to share with you. Not only may it change your belief, but by believing energetic shifts can be easy, you may find yourself effortlessly cultivating more ease into your life.
I had a session where the client had recently dealt with health issues that you could say are in part related to aging and more specifically the pattern of their hereditary aging. One of the gemstones coming up for the session was Moonstone.
Moonstone has an affinity for promoting youthfulness. It hones in on energetic patterns of aging and offers revitalization often through its lubricating quality but there is also the fact Moonstone does its work within the supraphysical aura. The supraphysical aura is the first layer of the energy field that is believed to be comprised of the energetic expression of our cells.
Moonstone simply called on their energetics at this profoundly deep level of cellular makeup to say, “No thank you.” And then proceed to STEP OUT OF THAT LINE OF ENERGY. It was an act of simply, “opting out.” It was so matter-of-fact and nonchalant it could have been the same thing as opting out of the long line at the grocery store and moving to self-check out.
When Moonstone zeroed in on the energetic information held with my client’s supra physical aura. One of the things it made me aware of was lines of energy that held the biological information in their family line, in this case specifically their maternal line and specifically the affected organ of this condition. The next thing I knew I was dumbfounded.
In my head I was thinking, It can’t be this simple. This is STUPIDLY simple. Surely our biological makeup isn’t simply changed by saying, NO THANK YOU, and moving on.
The thing is, even though my head was in a tailspin of “That’s it!” Something deep within myself and most importantly deep within for my client felt true, with a feeling of “and so it is.”
Now, I’m not in the business of creating liability for myself. I have never and will never claim that my work with energy is a cure-all. Will I claim this singular instance will physically change my client’s health condition? No, I will not. But I will not deny that this experience was a powerful one for them and for me.
I walk away with this: When you engage in practices that enable you to become acutely intuitively aware of yourself on the very foundational levels of energy and frequency (gemstones happen to be one of the greatest tools for this), before there is matter and substance, in that place change feels so effortless. It feels empowering, that when everything around you in the physical world seems hard there is a space inside yourself that can feel easy to shift to your desired reality.
I think getting into that space is where ease of living can be cultivated for you, for me, for all.
I have a client coming up on their 10-year client-anniversary! That’s a DECADE!
What’s the most valuable gift of our work for my decade-long client’s commitment??? When I first went to Erin it was out of curiosity after a friend had told me about her. It didn’t take many sessions before I was so at ease that I trusted her and the gems to give me the guidance and treatment I needed. Gemstone energy with Erin became a regular part of my self-care routine and has remained for nearly ten years now.
A Client's Trust Journey:
When I first went to Erin it was out of curiosity after a friend had told me about her. It didn’t take many sessions before I was so at ease that I trusted her and the gems to give me the guidance and treatment I needed. Gemstone energy with Erin became a regular part of my self-care routine and has remained for nearly ten years now.
The most valuable gift I have received in this work is my ability to trust my body and get out of my head. Due to past traumas, I had trouble being in my body and dealt with negative body perception. In cognitive therapy, I didn’t want to be one with my body, I kept disconnecting. I was so uncomfortable in my skin. My work with Erin has given me the trust and self-awareness necessary to manage my health and live a more comfortable and peaceful life with my whole self, including my body.
“Everyone should try a session with Erin. Don’t worry about how it will help just make an appointment, Erin and the gems will do all the work! The impact will be life-changing!”
The work we do is all about the individual and their journey to navigating the world physically, energetically, intuitively, and spiritually with greater ease, peace, and joy.
I feel this is the best way I can serve my wonderful clients, getting the most out of our work with a consistent schedule rewarded with exclusive savings!
Work in a way that has the Highest Impact on Our Client’s Lives!
A Client's Empowering Grief Journey:
When I began seeing Erin regularly, I was trying to cope with life through and after COVID like everyone else. What I was also dealing with was grief.
A Client's Empowering Grief Journey:
When I began seeing Erin regularly, I was trying to cope with life through and after COVID like everyone else. What I was also dealing with was grief. With three deaths in my immediate family in a relatively short period of time, my grief has been traumatic, intense, and incredibly debilitating. The care that Erin has given me over the last year has been life-changing for me.
Over time and consistency in working with Erin my whole self has been opened up to healing. The shift I have experienced in my healing and state of mind is one I did not know was ever possible when dealing with this type of grief. I no longer experience such high highs and low lows in my daily life.
Where my grief used to dictate my life, I now feel it like a steady wave where I am able to manage it and live with it. This peace and contentment I have gained from my healing has been a blessing. A true gift to my inner and outer self and to everyone in my life, especially my husband and kids.
I could never truly thank Erin enough or show her how much my joy and gratitude overflows for the work that she has done and continues to do for me.
The work we do is all about the individual and their journey to navigating the world physically, energetically, intuitively, and spiritually with greater ease, peace, and joy.
I feel this is the best way I can serve my wonderful clients, getting the most out of our work with a consistent schedule rewarded with exclusive savings!
No More Doors…
No More Doors…
I found Erin and her work in the midst of 2020. We were in the thick of the pandemic and her virtual sessions were one of the things that really kept me grounded and got me through. Being a musician, so many of our sessions have inspired and opened me up in many different ways, but one of them stands out from the rest.
This session was just as earth-shattering, enlightening, and fulfilling as every single one before it had been. But this one inspired a song…
I found Erin and her work in the midst of 2020. We were in the thick of the pandemic and her virtual sessions were one of the things that really kept me grounded and got me through. Being a musician, so many of our sessions have inspired and opened me up in many different ways, but one of them stands out from the rest.
In March of 2021, I contracted COVID. I had a rough go for a few weeks, my recovery was long, and in some ways is still happening. I was having headaches, insomnia, and developed anxiety which is something I had never dealt with much before. I felt out of touch with myself and I felt betrayed by my body. I was trying to do all of the things that had brought me comfort before, yoga, meditation, journaling, and none of it was making a difference.
I came to Erin’s studio and spoke about how disconnected I was feeling, looking for the guidance she always offers. We began the session, by dropping in and listening. She spoke about these compartments I had created inside of my chest- comparing it to nesting dolls. I had been living from each of them like they were all separate like I have to be each of those people for certain people. I had been breaking myself into pieces not realizing I could be all of those things, all at once. She used the visualization of a spool of thread being attached to each of those compartments and she reeled the strings back into one big spool, pulling all of the compartments back together into one.
She said to me that my chest is not made of the closed-door compartments I thought it was, it’s made of mirrors. And if I let those speak instead of keeping my compartments intact and closed off, then the things I’m feeling would be easily read and understood. Then, she reminded me, I had been trying everything but music to ease my way back into myself and music was my true way back.
This session was just as earth-shattering, enlightening, and fulfilling as every single one before it had been. But this one inspired a song.
I drove home and wrote “No More Doors.” I found the journal entry from the day and it has next to no lyric edits. This is a good day for a songwriter. To be able to sit and be so open the song just comes flowing out is all any of us could ever want. I also made a note at the top of the entry that says, “Turquoise.” We had been working with that during the session.
I think about her words at this session all the time. Whenever I’m feeling lost or misguided, I think: It’s the music I’m missing, it’s time to write. She gave me my muse back and so, the way back to me.
The work we do is all about the individual and their journey to navigating the world physically, energetically, intuitively and spiritually with greater ease, peace and joy.
I feel this is the best way I can serve my wonderful clients, getting the most out of our work with a consistent schedule rewarded with exclusive savings!