When Words Carry Energy: How to Hold Space for Truth in Difficult Situations
A Lesson in Energy and Intention
Want to know what’s tough for me? Yes, I see the positive impacts of the work I do every day. Yes, my clients sing my praises, and I am so grateful. But nothing makes me feel more small and inadequate than when my clients come in faced with the real harshness of living in this world. I think there's nothing I can really do to make this better for them. The best I can hope for is a moment of peace within to make facing their hardship a little easier.
So when one of my regular session plan member clients came in defeated and devastated by the absolute overwhelming, consuming cruel reality of their current life situation again I thought, I will not even remotely pretend, “Well you’re in the right place, I’ll have you feeling good as new at the end of this hour.” I can’t do that to people. I was apprehensive for the session to start. Where was this going to go? In what way can I genuinely help them? This is a zero spiritual platitude zone. What ended up coming out in that session is not what either of us expected.
I was made aware of this for my client’s sake: anytime we enter into a room, a situation, an event, a meeting, or an engagement, there is a container of energy established. Each person involved is participating in that container. Now here’s what you must know…
IN NO WAY is it ethical to psychically read or attempt to manipulate another person’s energy without their consent. But manipulating the container??? I guess that’s fair game.
Here’s the situation: My client was forced into regular engagements with two other parties, where one party repeatedly spewed out lies. And like my client had observed many times before, it seemed the third party, who is the person in power in this dynamic, was buying into and holding space for the lies. My client felt their truth and the actual truth was not being seen. My client feared that with this continuing it would gravely impact themself and others involved they deeply cared about.
Here’s what I was told intuitively:
It would be unethical to psychically attempt to manipulate the words coming out of the lying person’s mouth or to delve into their psyche to influence them to behave differently.
BUT because everytime someone speaks, the energy of their words hangs in the energetic container created by this social engagement for all parties to receive, I was told my client, like anyone else, has the power and influence to manipulate the perception of the words being said.
I said to my client, “YOU can hold the clear and strong intention that in these engagements the TRUTH will be clearly identified in its energy, as well as LIE energy will be clearly identified. Here’s the thing though, it's NOT about what MY CLIENT FEELS OR THINKS is the truth. It’s about upholding the actual real truth. The truth is the truth. It has a specific vibratory rate. It will not change because someone wills it to be truthful.
I asked my client to intuitively tune in. I had them say a true and false statement. And to observe through the lens of their intuition what truth energy looked like, felt like, sounded liked, even smelled like! When it comes to energy, we can perceive the information in nearly infinite ways.
My client said the truth looked like warm light and lies looked like a red harpoons.
Perfect! I said “then from now on, everytime you enter this social engagement, put out the strongest, clearest intention that the energetic signature of truthful and deceptive words/statements said, will be exaggerated to the point they feel obvious to all involved.”
The work we do is all about the individual and their journey to navigating the world physically, energetically, intuitively, and spiritually with greater ease, peace, and joy.
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“Everyone should try a session with Erin. Don’t worry about how it will help just make an appointment, Erin and the gems will do all the work! The impact will be life-changing!”