Body Exploration: Endocrine System GEM Meditation Circle


Sunday, November 10
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT

Turn A New Leaf Intuitive Energy and Bodywork
526 Maple Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Featured Gemstones: Lavender, Carnelian, Leopardskin Jasper

Take about a system that DEPENDS on BALANCE. Our Endocrine System is made up of hormones. They are chemicals that send messages throughout our body. Hormones cause our body to wake up and go to sleep, to menstruate, calm down or become alert, to become aroused, they determine our mood, our growth & development. In short, our endocrine system lives to keep us in homeostasis (internal balance). Get ready to dive into the energetics of balance & regulation within your body with our featured gems.

Limited Seats Available -- If seats are unavailable, join our waitlist here. You will be the first to be notified when one of our members cannot attend. *Please note meditations will run until 12:15 PM

Visit to learn more.

Find FREE GEM Meditations by Erin on Insight Timer and listen at your leisure!


Sunday, November 10
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT

Turn A New Leaf Intuitive Energy and Bodywork
526 Maple Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Featured Gemstones: Lavender, Carnelian, Leopardskin Jasper

Take about a system that DEPENDS on BALANCE. Our Endocrine System is made up of hormones. They are chemicals that send messages throughout our body. Hormones cause our body to wake up and go to sleep, to menstruate, calm down or become alert, to become aroused, they determine our mood, our growth & development. In short, our endocrine system lives to keep us in homeostasis (internal balance). Get ready to dive into the energetics of balance & regulation within your body with our featured gems.

Limited Seats Available -- If seats are unavailable, join our waitlist here. You will be the first to be notified when one of our members cannot attend. *Please note meditations will run until 12:15 PM

Visit to learn more.

Find FREE GEM Meditations by Erin on Insight Timer and listen at your leisure!

Sunday, November 10
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT

Turn A New Leaf Intuitive Energy and Bodywork
526 Maple Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Featured Gemstones: Lavender, Carnelian, Leopardskin Jasper

Take about a system that DEPENDS on BALANCE. Our Endocrine System is made up of hormones. They are chemicals that send messages throughout our body. Hormones cause our body to wake up and go to sleep, to menstruate, calm down or become alert, to become aroused, they determine our mood, our growth & development. In short, our endocrine system lives to keep us in homeostasis (internal balance). Get ready to dive into the energetics of balance & regulation within your body with our featured gems.

Limited Seats Available -- If seats are unavailable, join our waitlist here. You will be the first to be notified when one of our members cannot attend. *Please note meditations will run until 12:15 PM

Visit to learn more.

Find FREE GEM Meditations by Erin on Insight Timer and listen at your leisure!

No Scent Policy | The office is scent-free. Please no smell of smoke, perfume/cologne, scented lotions, or essential oils.

Class Space Policies | Please remove shoes for our class space, socks or slippers are required. If you forget socks, we have pairs on hand for $3. Only water is allowed to be taken in, please no food or other drinks